dvdisaster  Version 0.79.10
Public key for the digital signature

The downloadable dvdisaster packages have been digitally signed using GnuPG so that you can verify that the software is in its original state.

Starting with version 0.79.5, releases are signed with this 4096bit RSA key:

pub   4096R/64F770B2 2015-10-05
      Key fingerprint = E3AF E703 96CC C0D9 E5D8  381C B0DB CA7D 64F7 70B2
uid                  dvdisaster (pkg signing key #2)
sub   4096R/758BCC23 2015-10-05

Feel free to send an email to support e-mail to obtain this fingerprint directly from the developers. Please include "GPG finger print" in the subject line.

User's manual

The user manual is provided as a PDF document (manual.pdf). It contains several basic examples of using dvdisaster and some background information on its way of working. You do not need to download the manual if you already have the source code archive - a copy of the manual is contained there.

Codec specification

The specification of the RS01, RS02 and RS03 codec is available as a PDF document (codecs.pdf). This document is meant to discuss the codec implementation among developers. It requires knowledge in the area of coding theory and is not meant as end user documentation.

pdfreaders.org Software for reading the PDF documents is available at PDFreaders.org.

Alternative site and Windows version

Stéphane Lesimple provides an alternative Git repository with local additions to dvdisaster. He is also making and maintaining the Windows port of dvdisaster (see his releases section). Please direct Windows related inquiries to him and not to the support address given above.

Copyright 2019-2022 The dvdisaster project.
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.